If You Have Been in an Accident, Our Phoenix Injury Attorneys Can Help You
Auto accidents are extremely stressful and traumatizing for all of those involved. When victims of auto accidents are worried about injuries, loss of transportation, missing work and potential liability, the last thing they want to have to do is argue with an insurance company. That is where we come in. Rather than try to fight the uphill battle against an insurance carrier who is trying to minimize its expenses by yourself, let one of the experienced attorneys at the Law Office of Paul J. Dombeck do the fighting for you. Our attorneys know the industry, know the common sticking points, and they know how to get you your money as quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Phoenix Car Accident Lawyers
The Phoenix injury lawyers in our office have years of experience both in litigating and settling personal injury and auto accident claims, as well as learning the nuances of the insurance industry from the inside. Our attorneys understand where insurance companies are sensitive and know where to push to get you the most favorable result possible. Our Phoenix auto accident attorneys can take your case on a contingency basis, which means absolutely no fees up front, and no payment owed until and unless we win your case for you. We carefully evaluate the merits of each case and will be candid with our evaluation of your chances. We are not a mill that takes every case that comes through the door, and will not string you along if we do not believe that we have a good chance of achieving a favorable result for you.
Our office also handles all types of personal injury cases in addition to auto accident cases. If you have been injured and believe someone else may have been at fault, you must act quickly to limit your out-of-pocket expenses and hold the responsible parties liable. Let our attorneys review your case right away and determine if you have a shot at a recovery.
If You Have Been Injured Contact Our Arizona Personal Injury Attorneys Today
If you have been in an auto accident or have been injured and think you may have a claim against another party, contact the Law Office of Paul J. Dombeck. Our experienced attorneys can review your case at no charge. We handle cases on a contingency fee arrangement, meaning you do not owe us any attorney fees unless we win a recovery on your behalf.
Call our office at 602-805-0577 for your free initial consultation today.